Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bon Voyage...

Preparing to leave for a whole month is no easy task. Cleaning the desk off of bills, cleaning the house, emptying the fridge, saying farewell to friends and co-workers. Exhausting just trying to relax! Tomorrow we leave at the crack of dawn for Winnemucca, Nv. Home of the world famous Basque restaurant, The Martin Hotel. We will be staying at Scott's Shady Court, they have clean sheets, wifi, a nice lime green indoor pool, and playground. Every year I call to make reservations I say, "I stay there every July, you should have me in your system." They say to me, "Dear, we don't have a system!" That's where we'll be tomorrow, a world without systems, I love it!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Maiden Voyage...

The beginning started back in 2000 when I came upon the knowledge I was pregnant and single at the age of 37. Up until then, I was a savvy business owner, hair artist, independent and untamable. I never thought in a million years I was about to become the woman I was meant to be, a mother. My pregnancy was very enjoyable and stress free. I ran my business and continued styling hair up until the 8th month. I had many tangles with my son's father whom which I was living with. It is a story I choose not to include in my adventures at this time. Perhaps later, those experiences will be shared. This story is about the discovery of my lionhearted power to overcome then and become now, who I am today.
Who I am today is a 48 year old woman , business owner, and a mother of an incredible 10 year old son named Jaxson. We are about to set out on a month long journey through the Northwest states of Idaho and Montana. This is an annual trip I have taken with him since he was 11 months old. Though I have taken this trip for several years now, it has only been a couple weeks long. We have had an amazing 10 years of travel, camping trips, skateboard parks, tree climbing, and rock skipping fun! As he eclipses his teen age years, I long to enjoy him as a child still discovering wonder, nature and freedom. I am a lionhearted mother, showing her cub how to be ready for the world of manhood the best I know how - be adventurous, be brave, and be unbounded by fear.