Friday, November 16, 2012


Hello again...
I am returning to this blog in search of fellow felines raising their cubs! It is 2012 and we have re-elected our President for a 2nd term. Where do I find myself as a single mom, business owner, and a single lady?? Alone again, actually! The end of 2012 brings new hope, new fears, new inspiration and new possibilities. I have had one heck of a year struggling with down-sizing my company, starting middle school, surfing dating websites and thinking about the future. I have entered the land of the lost....I am in nowheresville. I know nothing about my son's teachers, although he is doing well with a B average. I know nothing about dating...Zoosk really? I know nothing about what makes employees happy, well maybe a little. Lets's start with middle school-

Middle school has been great so far, although you drop them off and cross your fingers they'll do well. It's a slop shot of what teacher they will get and when they get them...good luck touching in with them. Portals, emails, teacher websites, what ever happened to standing at their door after school to talk to their teacher? Anyway, no girlfriends yet. I guess that's a good thing! He attended his first school dance and stood with his hands in his pockets the whole time. No fist pumps, no head banging (not like I haven't shown him), no cuss words. He impresses me with his ability to stand back, observe but yet still be engaged. We are almost half way through 6th grade but where are the monkey bars? I remember swinging from those with a dress on! I had more than enough boyfriends by 6th grade! So many things have changed, college prep tutoring, Kumon, and spirit week. At least he has a new best friend and seems to be adjusting well.

The sore The only reason I am even looking is someday I will be alone. For the past 11 years I have been very busy raising an awesome kid! But before I could blink he will be roaming off to find chicks or cruise in his car. I need something, or someone more than my computer, business or facebook. Let's be real, human interaction is where it's at! I have a slew of girlfriends, married and unmarried but they still don't want to sleep with me or hang out all weekend! So I resort to the internet, but I still can't commit! Responding to winks, chat requests, back and forth "let's do coffee" requests. It is tiring and somewhat boring in my opinion. I want to meet someone organically like in the market or walking the dog.  Whatever happened to getting set up? I would love for a friend who knows me well to set me up with someone! Some say I am too unapproachable but I don't buy it. Maybe I am just not that into them! Ha! So life goes on, with 1 night a week out being social in hopes to meet him, but until then I am just fine!

The business world as we know it at the end of 2012? It is as big of a mystery as the Mayan Calendar. Some say it's up, other's say it's down, some say it doesn't exist at all. All I know is what is in front of me, and it is a whole new land of uncertainty. Taxes going up, revenue going down, customers going south, employees going north. Who knows right now? I am small which is such a blessing! I can make it with 1 employee or 10, but to grow? Not sure about that. Even the fat boys (and girls, no sexism here!) are closing shop. My poor Hostess, just liquidated today. A total American icon! So sad that companies cannot prosper in America in 2012. Back in the day when we had monkey bars, businesses were lighting up like the 4th of July. Now? They are burning down like Benhgazi! Just my perception, no political props here!  After all that, I have hope, determination and fortitude. Why, because I am lionhearted of course! ( my son btw laughs when I say that! ) Plus I am a camper and a survivor, I put my faith and my life in the land and in my own hand!

Where are you?

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