Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 1 - The Boogie Pad...

So everyone has a booger story, this one is mine-
It was a lovely day heading out of San Jose. We had breakfast with our neighbors at the ranch before leaving. Then a stop at the local Safeway for some good deals on California wines before leaving the state. As I was waiting to check out, a dear friend of mine whom I haven't seen in over 8 years, suddenly appeared. What was supposed to be a quick stop turned into an hour long visit of, "Oh my god, you have children and your married, yada yada yada..." Btw, he is an old bf that helped me thru my breakup with my son's dad. So we hit the road an hour late but determined to get to Winnemucca by 5 pm. The drive was great in our new FJ Cruiser, thank you Capitol Toyota. We decided to stop at one of our favorite In and Out Burgers in Auburn. Why is it that every In and Out is so busy?? You can be in Timbuktu at an In and Out and it would be packed! (I'm buying stock) All of a sudden we witnessed a fender bender when one of the patron's tried to back out and hit a lady in her "slug bug". Oh my, she came out swinging at this poor couple just trying to get a burger. "You better have your insurance card cause you just tapped my grill!" The event went on for a full hour, back and forth with papers and hair flips. We eventually went on our marry way after saying a prayer that their encounter in life yield them some good fortune. Then onto Reno after a brief stint on 80 while they rebuild the road. Somewhere between Sparks and Lovelock my son begins to pick his nose. Mind you, this is an event that happens daily but I am in a brand spanking new FJ Cruiser! I will not allow any wipe offs on the door, floor mats, or upholstery. So as I am yelling at him, "No!!! Do not......" He reaches for a card on the dash and begins to wipe. I scream and say, "What is...???" My sweet son say's, "It's my boogie pad." and wipes that sucker all over it. Now, if any of you have been driving and encountered a booger, I know for a fact you have had some kind of boogie pad. Yes, you have, admit it! However, it hasn't had a proper name until today. So all of you traveling to and from, can now rest assure that a boogie pad is only a reach away. My son's boogie pad went immediately into his pocket for later disposal.

So if someone one invites you over to their pad to boogie....BEWARE!

And that is my booger story!

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