Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 11 - Heading into the Wild Blue Yonder...

We spent the day planning for our camping trip tomorrow. We are heading into some of the most beautiful wilderness in North America, The Bob Marshall Wilderness and the Seeley-Swan Valley. We spent all day today shopping for extra camp gear, bug spray, and plenty of food. My favorite purchase was a solar powered charging panel. It is compact, like a note pad, and it can charge your gps, phone or ipod. Then I ran around looking for an inverter for the car to power usb or 110. Why?? I don't really know but I'd like to have my music player and blow up my airbed. I doubt we'll have cell service but it's nice to have music. I am trying to get unplugged but it isn't easy. I feel safer when I feel connected but I am going to try to get connected with the earth, moon and sun. I have some prayers to say and people to say them for and what better way then under the stars and moon. We should have a semi full moon over the next few days and the weather looks like thunderstorms and rain. I am planning on writing in a paper journal and transcribing it into the blog when I get back. So, wish us luck that everything goes well and I don't lay awake at night thinking about bears. BTW, I need to get some bear spray tomorrow before we leave. I hear Raid Wasp spray works great too! So I am signing off for a few days, unless I have cell. I will talk to you later!! Have a great week!!!

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