Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 4 and 5 - The Decompression Chamber

We all know it takes a few days to settle into vacation mode, especially after long days of travel to get where you are going. It seems to be my pattern that I stress out until the last minute of leaving for a vacation, working extra long hours, packing, banking, etc. Then the long road trip and sleeping in different beds. When I finally arrive at my brother's house, I usually don't come out of the basement for the first few days. We did get out and see some sites, but only after dragging my butt out of bed after 12 hours. There's something about sleeping in a cool basement that feels so good. It's quiet, dark, and cool - perfect for a good night's sleep. I call my bedroom my decompression chamber, all my whirlwind monkey mind thoughts start to quiet down. I usually have to convince myself that it's ok to leave for so long, it's my vacation! However, leaving your business and home for a month can be quite unsettling. I have to trust that they will both be looked after by capable people. For my business, it's my incredible manager, Jamie. She is awesome at what she does, and my staff love her. For my home, it's my favorite bartender Matt. He will water the garden and feed the kitties and horses. Life on the road is beautiful, you have to live with what you have. Having a sense of, I can be anywhere and get by. I have my hairdressing tools to make money along the way and we even brought our pool cue's in case I need to hustle for some extra doe. I love the feeling of being independent and self reliant.

So, after my 2 days of decompression I am now ready to settle into life Montana style. River walks and music events, farm league baseball and the occasional yoga class or two. I'm ready for my life away from my life and all it has to offer me. It is my mental and physical makeover without botox!!! Gotta love that!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Laure!! Im glad I can help give you that piece of mind you need in order to leave your business and have a real vacation! I feel so appreciated, and I appreciate you and the person you are as well!! Get some sleep LC! Rest and relax! You deserve it!! Love you xoxo
