Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 12, 13, and 14...To the back woods and back!

We headed out into the Seeley Lake area on Tuesday the 12. We arrived at Holland Lake Campground in the afternoon and the weather seemed nice. Big clouds and a threat of thunderstorms but I was optimistic. We set up camp and I began to build my bed in the back of the FJ. The bed is shorter than a 4Runner but I did lay down in it during the test drive. The sales guy kinda understood as I laid in it sideways to see if my body could fit. I knew I could fit diagonal but wasn't sure about the leg room. So, I filled my airbed using my cig-pump and realized it had to bend upward behind the front seats due to the lack of length. It ended up looking like a lounge or recliner. So far so good! After we set up we went for a little boat ride around the lake to check out the boat. We went to our usual beach head which was under water due to the late snowfall and rain. Then back to camp for dinner and a bonfire. When we reached the shore we noticed the weather changing a bit. So we decided to pitch an extra large tent to use as a sitting area out of the rain. As we put up Big Bertha, the rain really started to come down, but we continued until we got it up. We immediately threw everything in it and sat in there and played cards to ride out the storm. Eventually it stopped, we made our burgers and ate at 10:30 at night. It is still light out at that time of night up here. It's kinda odd, but that's how the North Westerners live. Dusk at 10 pm and Twilight at 11 pm. So off to bed I head with my son and my dog all huddled in the back of the Cruiser, kinda tight but we'll see how it goes. Between my dog snoring at my feet and my son starfishing, I really didn't have much room to stretch out. Then there was the middle of the night wake up to," What was that?? Did you hear that??? OMG!!!" I laid awake peering out the fogged up windows trying to see if there was a bear outside. Now, the only reason I am not sleeping in Big Bertha is because I am PETRIFIED OF BEARS!!! We are in Grizzly country and they have signs all around the campground about bears. So, you can figure that's why I am sleeping in the back of the Cruiser! As I awaited sunlight over the next few hours I had plenty of time to think, pray, and breathe. Just breathe, just breathe, just breathe....and daylight arrives.

Wednesday started off with warm sunlight and a promising sky. We had a yummy breakfast of eggs, bacon, and coffee. Nothing like camp food!! You could eat raw hide and it would taste like prime rib during camping! Well, maybe that's a stretch, but camp food is really good!!! We never called my mom to let her know we arrived safely and what campsite we were at, but low and behold she showed up at 10:30 on the dot just like my brother predicted. She came bearing bags of food, pre-made bbq chicken (Who brings pre-made bbq chicken to a campground??) baked beans (ok those were good) and some cottage cheese concoction. I'm surprised she didn't bring her bag of 2 day old popcorn! (Sorry Mom, you know I love you xoxo) It is always nice to see her, she makes me feel safe and secure. She has this new BFF, Georgina, who I really like. She's spunky and up for anything. Do you know that woman can bait worms on a hook?? I was impressed!! We all headed out on the boat after breakfast; my mom, Georgina, Jaxson, Dudley, Breezy the dog, Ranger the dog and me. Off we went to our favorite fishing hole and guess who caught the first fish on the first cast? Yeah, me!! It was a good size trout but we decided to release it. I am a Sunday fisher. I can hold the rod and I can cast, but I cannot bait the hook or take the hook out of the fish. I would do well with a fishing guide who does all the work, and that was my brother and Georgina. She rocked the fishing! It was a great afternoon with plenty of caught fish, semi sunshine, and waterfall views. Then back to camp because guess what, we're hungry again!! As Georgina bbq'd more burgers and hot dogs, we watched with apprehension as the black clouds rolled in. Then it came, the flashes of light and roaring growl of thunder. We were in the middle of a violent thunderstorm packing a powerful punch of pelting rain! Little did we know this storm was one of Missoula's strongest storms yet. They had it the night before on Tuesday and we got it the next day. We all huddled in Big Bertha but not after a few attempts of roasting marsh mellows with a metal pole.....ummm wait, I don't think that's a good idea, son! Needless to say, it did not let up so I went to bed, it was only 5 pm. Oh yah, I did a bed make over earlier in the morning and now I had a double decker air bed so I could get more leg room but now I just felt like princess on a pea except it felt more like a yoga ball...not good. I woke up at 7 pm and it had slightly stopped for like 2 seconds so I lit the mother of all fires. It was raging and warming us all up for a while. My poor son was so bored, couldn't swim, couldn't play, just sit and sit. I was bored too. What do you do when there's nothing to do, let's go to the Lodge!! Holland Lake Lodge is one of the most beautiful places in the North West, especially tonight in the pouring rain! We were greeted by a sweet waitress who gave us hot chocolate and a stiff Margarita straight up! Holy Moly and they have WiFi??? I am saved, TYG!!

Today we woke up reluctantly after a long night of constant rain. It was a good night, slept well, no bears, ( even though the Campground host came by earlier to warn us about a bear spotted roaming the other campsites. ) and just a few moments of self talk. We had already decided that we would pack up camp to be ready for an easy exit should the weather stay yucky. For a moment we thought, let's unpack and stay! I finally see sun and blue sky! As we saw the other campers roll in for the weekend we realized our campsite was a hot commodity. People were begging us to give them our campsite, hey wait a minute...we might stay! I was tempted but I needed a good night's sleep and both my son and dog, are covered in mosquito bites. So back to Missoula for a good night's sleep in the decompression chamber and to write this blog!! This blog has been a long mouth full and I hope you made it all the way to the end, kinda like waiting for the credits to roll on a POTC movie. Sleep tight, don't starfish, and definitely don't let the mosquito's bite!!

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